The image rendition resizing works by taking the smallest dimension you define, either width or height, and then resizing the image so that the other dimension is automatically resized based on the locked aspect ratio. You can enable publishing under Settings > Site Settings > Manage site features > SharePoint Server Publishing. Renditions are only available for SharePoint when publishing is enabled. In this case, the file size can be reduced by using image renditions.
Even if an image is fixed by CSS, the full resolution image is still loaded.

This is especially important when there's user-generated image content or the image dimensions such as width and height are fixed by the CSS on the site. Image renditions are a feature in SharePoint Online that allows you to serve up different versions of images based on pre-defined image dimensions.

Speed up page downloads by using SharePoint image renditions Make sure you test your compressed files on a high-definition display to ensure they'll still look good. The key to compression is to reduce the file size as much as possible without losing any discernible quality for end users. There are various tools available to use for compression and optimization, including Photo Gallery and third-party tools. Once images are the right size, the next step is to optimize the compression of these images. Making sure images are of the correct dimensions using an image editor is a quick and easy way to reduce the size of your page. There's no sense in having an image larger than it will ever be viewed.

Often, the best technique to reduce the size of an image is to resize the image to the maximum dimensions that it will be viewed on the site. Image compression and optimization is about reducing the file size of the images you use on your site. Using image compression and optimization to speed up page loading For more information, see Minification and bundling in SharePoint Online.
You can see how to use Web Essentials, a third-party, open-source, community-based project to achieve this easily in Microsoft Visual Studio. This is a useful technique if the images aren't changing often, for example, icons, as shown in the SharePoint example provided above. Even if the image doesn't remain cached, by having a single image instead of multiple images, this method reduces the total number of HTTP requests to the server, which will reduce page loading times.
This can increase performance because you download only one image instead of several and then cache and reuse that image. SharePoint Online uses sprites to display its various icons in the sprite spcommon.png file. Basically, you move a single image around the page instead of loading multiple images, and make a small part of that image visible through a small window where the required part of the sprite image is shown to the end user. Using CSS you select a part of the composite image to display on a particular part of the page with absolute positioning. Using sprites to speed up image loadingĪn image sprite contains many smaller images. For information about image optimization in SharePoint Online modern portal sites, see Optimize images in SharePoint Online modern portal pages. This topic applies to SharePoint Online classic publishing sites, not modern portal sites.