Mus2 is a microtonal score editor with intonationally-correct playback.With the Ekmelily extension, it can support several other notation styles, namely Tartini, Richter Herf/Madel and Sims. Thanks to the work of Graham Breed, can use Sagittal glyphs.
Lilypond Free, open-source, outstanding notation software that produces beautiful engraving-quality output on a par with commercial applications like Sibelius.The Xentuner plugin by Keenan Pepper is also very good. Can be microtuned with the retuner plugin for almost any edo. MuseScore open-source notation software.abcm2ps Free, open-source, ASCII-based editor with support for some microtonal accidentals.Software plugins (VST etc.) See List of Microtonal Software Plugins Audio recording software (DAWs) See DAWs Notation software Changing the musical scale in SunVox (video) SunVox Modular Music Studio – a modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer (tracker), available for desktop (free of cost) and mobile devices (for approx.Chameleon – a customizable MIDI controller interface that can be used to create, among other things, virtual microtonal keyboards.Xenharmonic Keyboard – a Windows-only isomorphic microtonal MIDI keyboard.Sonic Pi - The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone – besides Live Coding, you can also record to WAV format, microtonal capabilities are provided through adding decimals to MIDI numbers.scalemap – drop-in microtonal note-to-frequency mapping for C, C++, and Javascript.Frequency Explorer – a browser-based synthesizer + sequencer with precisely-configurable musical scale and harmonic spectrum.Tuning Vine – an interface for just intonation, with a color-coded lattice.Wilsonic – an iPad/iPhone app for exploring alternative scales, see it in action: the source file 3 - YouTube.Orphion – an iPad/iPhone touch-to-play app with customizable layout and scales.Settings are stored in the address bar for easy sharing.

Terpstra Keyboard WebApp – cross-platform web app that allows mapping of any tuning (in Scala format) on any form of generalized hexagonal layout.The note pitch is transposed in accordance with chosen temperament (equal, Pythagorean, just or meantone 1/4 comma) in the settings. Exports audio files and Halion multisamples.